
Health and welfare innovation

Do you want better and cheaper healthcare and welfare? We advise municipalities and companies to successful innovation within the public sector.


We have collaborated with 37 municipalities during the past 10 years.


We have helped more than 50 companies


We have business partners in 4 countries


Our welfare is challenged

The municipalities struggle to provide healthcare and welfare to the mass number of citizens every day. The economy is challenged by a rising number of elderly and an increase in the number of citizens who live with chronical diseases.

”I would have liked to be more involved. I would have liked to decide what was best for me together with the doctor” 

- Citizen of Svendborg, Denmark


Rethinking the healthcare system

The challenges mentioned previously means that we have to find new ways to create and distribute healthcare services. New ideas, for instance new workstations or new services to the citizens, has to be tested before they are implemented as a new practice.

Furthermore, the implementation itself has to be prepared and followed through in a close collaboration with the employees to create ownership and a notion of mastering the new.

We advise municipalities and companies where there is a need. We are happy to assist whether you need help to develop a new strategy, new ideas, new services, test or implement new technology.

Health and welfare innovation

A selection of our cases

eHealth City Svendborg

eHealth City Svendborg is an innovation partnership between Svendborg municipality, Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark and Public Intelligence.

Inclusion with intelligent technologies

A project to give pupils with externalized behaviour the opportunity to be a part of a common learning environment.

A new entry

In Fredericia municipality there are 51.000 citizens, of which approximately 800 citizens and their relatives are every year in contact with the healthcare service called ‘Din Indgang’ (your entrance).

We can help you with your challenges

Contact Peter if you would like to learn more about how we can help you solve your challenges.

Peter Julius
Peter Julius
CEO and partner
+45 3070 8593