A challenging learning environment

Inclusion with intelligent technologies
A project to give pupils with externalized behaviour the opportunity to be a part of a common learning environment.
Test of intelligent technologies
A better learning environment

A challenging learning environment
The municipality of Nordfyn (northern Funen) saw challenges for inclusion in several classes where there were more students with externalized behavior, who were struggling to immerse themselves alone or with others, making it difficult to create a good learning environment.
Test of intelligent technologies
Two classes were selected from the school where the most typical inclusion challenges in relation to children with externalized behaviour were present. Here, Public Intelligence conducted observational studies and interviews with employees and managers.
And on the basis of these insights a number of sensory learning technologies were selected that were to be tested through test actions in the two classes.
*A test action is a small-scale test that does requite major changes either in terms of resources or finances. What you usually do in everyday work is to try and find a way another way of telling whether it creates good effects for the pupils, employees and the school as a whole.
A better learning environment
The tested technologies helped support the children with externalized behaviour to be a part of a common learning environment so that they could achieve more learning and well-being together with others. Specific feedback about the technologies were:
- Less preparation time for teachers in relation to similar teaching activities
- More motived pupils
- The pupils get to do exercise outdoors
- Pupils get positive experiences at school – also outside school time
- Pupils can stay in class
- Pupils can get comfort from sitting in the SenSit chair
- Expression of topics regarding an unruly class in new ways
- Reflection room for employees and management
Project Manager
Feel free to contact Stinne if you would like to know more about the case.