Fristelser i Øjenhøjde (Healthy Temptations at Eye Level)
CASE: Elbokøkkenet

Fristelser i Øjenhøjde (Healthy Temptations at Eye Level)

This project is a collaboration between the joint municipal “Elbokøkken”, Municipality of Middelfart, Municipality of Fredericia, Municipality of Kolding, Municipality of Haderselv, University College Lillebælt, and Public Intelligence.

01 - Challenge

Many older people are in danger of being malnourished.

02 - Action

Concept, test, evaluation, and implementation

03 - Result

The goal is an improvement of the older citizen’s nutritional status

Fristelser i Øjenhøjde (Healthy Temptations at Eye Level)
01 - Challenge

Many older people are in danger of being malnourished.

It is a known problem, that many older people fight with a lack of appetite and therefore malnourishment. The older citizens who live in their own home and receive home care are especially exposed.
The numbers show us that 6 out of 10 citizens who receive home care are in danger of being malnourished.

02 - Action

Concept, test, evaluation, and implementation

From 2017 to 2020 the meal-project Fristelser i Øjenhøjde (Healthy temptations at Eye Level) will improve the individual older citizen’s nutritional status by developing and offering new meal-solutions, which will give the citizen a desire for, and the possibility of, eating more

The process started with a big user survey with citizens who receive food services, and employees from the four municipalities. From these insights, five areas were created, where each contains the development of a concept in collaboration with citizens, employees, and management.

The concepts are then tested and evaluated in the participating municipalities to see which contribute positively to the improvement of the older citizen’s nutritional status.
The new solutions which create an effect in the testing period will end in a finished implementation plan for the benefit of all interested municipalities.

03 - Result

The goal is an improvement of the older citizen’s nutritional status

To create a better nutritional status for the citizens, work will be done on different aspects through the entire food-service journey.

We work with new concepts within:

  • New meal-solutions
  • User involvement
  • Communicative design
  • Digital, common meals
  • Visitation, guiding, and screening

Responsible for project

Don't hesitate to contact Stinne, if you want to know more about the case.