How do you give the citizens the help they need without them having to wait?

A new entry
In Fredericia municipality there are 51.000 citizens, of which approximately 800 citizens and their relatives are every year in contact with the healthcare service called ‘Din Indgang’ (your entrance).
A concept with a new entry created jointly
Value for citizens with disabilities, mental disorders and abuse issues

How do you give the citizens the help they need without them having to wait?
How do you arrange a meeting with the department of social services in such a way that the citizens experience such value that they are able to master their own lives as much as possible? Fredericia municipality wanted to create a new offer in regards to social services where the citizens could get the help they needed without waiting time. The goal of the municipality was that the citizens, through a faster and more targeted support, could leave with less need for support or completely without support.
A concept with a new entry created jointly
The ambition to create a whole new framework that allows citizens to put their own energy and resources into play has demanded a different approach.
The approach became a project based on the citizen’s own experiences and stories. The process was kickstarted with interviews with both citizens and employees as well as analysis of 12 citizen journals. Based on these user insights, a process of workshops began for both employees and managers, where the concept of the new entry to social services was created jointly.
Value for citizens with disabilities, mental disorders and abuse issues.
The outcome of the process is three new approaches to meeting the citizens. Consequently, the concept covers a new physical venue, a new digital entrance and a set of new methods. The new physical venue is called ‘Din Indgang’ (your entrance) and opened September 2016.
“And the effects are clear. ‘Din Indgang’ has had over 600 inquiries since September 9, 2016. About 120 citizens have been part of the course. Of these, 57 citizens have completed the their course and only 4 of these have continued to ordinary pedagogical support, such as SEL § 85. This is despite the fact that 30 of the 57 citizens would previously have needed face-to-face pedagogical support”
Source: FredericiaAvisen, august 28th, 2017
The basic idea is that the employees can design a course that gives the citizens the best opportunity to fend for themselves or need as little help from the municipality as possible.
The courses can include volunteer offers, municipally facilitated networks, training activities, welfare technology as well as individual coaching talks and ad hoc help.
Project Managers
Feel free to contact Rasmus or Peter if you would like to know more about the case