
Boost4Health Vouchers

Public Intelligence is a service provider in Denmark under Boost4Health. We can offer your business different international opportunities, and you can apply under Boost4Health for an internationalization voucher, which you can use in exchange for our services. We underpin all parts of the process that a new solution undergoes, so, whether you need help to develop a strategy, produce ideas or services, test new ideas or implement solutions in practice, we can pitch in. In some cases, we help social - and healthcare services with all four phases and sometimes only with one - both options are successful. One way to get funding is to Join Boost4Health to apply for internationalization vouchers.

Boost billede workshop
Internationalization vouchers

If you would like to move forward with the internationalization of your innovation, Boost4Health offers two kinds of vouchers:

  1. Market Access voucher (up to €3.000) to explore a new market and,
  2. Product Validation voucher (up to €5.000) which can cover technical advice, prototyping, demonstration, regulatory support, usability validation or  scaling-up.

Eligible Regions

If you are in the welfare or life science business, the Boost4Health programme offers you the opportunity to apply for coaching and/or financial support for collaboration with service providers in the following regions:

The Netherlands: Noord-Brabant, Gelderland and Overijssel
Belgium: Wallonia
France: Bretagne, Hauts-de France, Pays de la Loire and Centre Val de Loire
Germany: parts of Baden-Württemberg, covering the region between Stuttgart, Tübingen, Reutlingen and Neckar-Alb
United Kingdom: Greater Manchester and Kent
Spain: Catalonia

Within the Market Access voucher, Public Intelligence can help with some of the following elements:
  1. Competitor Analysis – Which competitors exist on the Danish market, and how is your company situated and positioned amongst them?
  2. Market Needs – What is happening on the Danish market in relation to the product that your company is offering, and where is the focus right now?
  3. Grant/Funding Structure and Distribution Channels – Can a person receive a partial funding, or is it completely covered by the public sector, or do persons pay for the product themselves? What are the rules? Who are the distributors of similar products on the Danish market?

*Included in the price: Description. This is a general description of the Danish healthcare service system, which gives a good general view of what public authorities are in play.

This can all also be tailored to the needs of your product/company. If you already have this knowledge, this voucher can be used for a short test of the product or something else based on the initial meeting agreements.

The Product Validation voucher, could be a continuation or a more in-depth insight of the first voucher. This voucher can include some of the following elements:
  1. Development of use cases created with end users
  2. Market entry – User Journey.
  3. Distributor identification
  4. Product Presentation
  5. Product Testing – in Public Intelligence’s hall or in a real-life situation with 3 – 5 users.
  6. Go-to-market session – A meeting with Britt, Peter and/or Rasmus where your company receives insight knowledge and advice on the Danish Market, tailored to the company’s product.

For further information about our products and services on preparing your technology for the Danish Market,
please take a look at our TRL scale, where you can follow the Technology Readiness Level of your product for the Danish Welfare - and Healthcare sector.

Would you like to know more?

Please don't hesitate to contact us, if we can help you in any way.